31 Maret, 2010

new blog

kenapa gue nulis new blog?yaaa karena gue baru upgrade gue perbaharui.supaya jadi lebih bagus dar sebelumnya.jadi kasih saran yaaaaa supaya blog gue lebih bagus.oiya di blog gue ada sesi curhat huakakkak.biasanya kalo gue lg sedih dan gak ada temen curhat curhta ke gue juga gak papa.
ngobrolnya di MSN atau twitter atau FB atau formspring dll
MSN: icha.skandar@hotmail.com
Twitter : @raisaprince
Fb: ada
Formspring : formspring.me/raisaadila
yaaaa keep in touch aja yaaaa sama gue.thanks before

06 Maret, 2010

what's wrong with me?

i don't know about myself i think i just chat with my friend but you leave me and my friend.i think you are just kidding.after that i was angry with you all.but you were angry too with me and my friend.i was confused.the important thing,all of you can forgive me =)