21 Mei, 2010
broken leg or broken heart
i prefer broken heart because broken leg is very hurt but broken heart is easy to forget it.tapi kenyataan nya sekarang kaki gue terkilir sebenernya bukan patah cuma terkilir tapi sakitnya sampe kagak bisa jalan.jalan aja harus pake tongkat hadoh hadoh hidup penuh dengan cobaan.sabar sabar sabar.ya Allah mudah mudahan besok udah sembuh dan bisa jalan dan bisa masuk sekolah lagi amiiiiin
09 Mei, 2010
labsproject 2010
jadi gini gue labspro bareng ka efa,ka aidda,dan ka dea.kita bertiga naik taksi ke istora sampe sono macetnya nauzdubilah.yaudah kita turun deket belokan terus jalan ke labspronya sampe sono gue liat anak alarm sama alumni yaudahlah gak kenal juga wakakka canda.terus ka aidda ngambil tiket ke ka egi(the banery) soalnya temenan.ka aidda minta dua satu ka efa satu ka aidda.abis itu gue belinya pre sale eh gak boleh masuk soalnya harus di tukerin dulu di loket yaudah gue tukerin ngantri pula eh ketemu juga sama avini dan nadhira abis itu kita ngantri udah di tuker masuk.tadinya kalo langsung masuk gue bisa dapet foto bareng sama THE BANERY.sayang aja gak bisa (arghhh) itu gara gara lama ngantri trus the banery nya pulang duluan (bukan rezeki).yaudah pas masuk gue barengan deh tuh.pas masuk ruangannya yg lagi perform superglad,parahnya vokalisnya superglad bilangnya labskay bukan labsraw hahah sabar yaaa.abis superglad selesai break 30 menit abis itu goodnight electric perform gara gara gak tau lagunya gue nguap sampe dua kali dan itu gue diri paling depan panggung hahah gue nunggu sampe di depan panggung hanya untuk THE TREES AND THE WILD hahhaha.abis goodnight electric selesai kayaknya istora udah rame dan si nadhira dan avini ingin pulang karena orang tuanya sudah menanti (sabar yaa kalian).yasudahlah mereka pulang tinggal gue,ka efa,ka aidda,sama ka disa (ka deanya udah bareng temennya).selesai goodnight electris perform selanjutnya THE TREES AND THE WILD hahahahha.jadi ka efa dan gue dan temennya sudah milih tempat pas ka andra(bass/gitaris) diri yaitu kiri panggung kanannya penonton yaudah deh gue juga diri di situ. pas iga,remedy,dan andra keluar cewek cewek pada teriak.terus ada ka pai yaitu gitarisnya the dzeek tapi temenan sama the trees (pokoknya gitu) si ka pai juga main gitar/ bass pokoknya gantian sama ka andra jadi deket lah mereka berdua dengan ka efa dan gue.yaudah pada teriak teriak ahhaha "ka andra,ka andra,ka andra" "ka iga ka iga ka iga" hahaha itulah teriakan gue wakaka.terus ka efa di SENYUMIN sama ka andra dua kali (ngiri!!!) trus ka pai gayanya cool banget hahahha good banget deh kak!wakakka.tadinya gue mau foto bareng the trees tapi gak bisa soalnya gak keliatan juga batang hidung mereka bertiga(iga,remedy,andra) sehabis perfrom,selesai perform ka jimi the upstairs manggil penonton yg antusias sama the trees eh malah nunjuk ka efa yaudah lah ka efa naik panggung dan dapet voucher (gak tau apa).ka efa trurun dari panggung kita ke pisah.setelah itu yg perfrom maliq n the essentials yg pertama keluar lale abis yg lain.argh mereka itu performnya bagus terus ada tariannya pokoknya bagus banget!!!!.sayangnya gue cuma nonton setengah performnya soalnya gue pulang.tapi gue dapet foto angga soalnya gue paling depan dan fotonya jelas.abis keluar kita nunggu taksi,waktu nunggu ada ka tami seorang backing vocalnya the tress ahahhaha yaudah minta foto tapi gak jelas fotonya gelap soalnya kamera gue gak ada flash nya dan kakak gue lupa night mode hancur saja deh gue.tapi gak papa soalnya gue sangat senang hari itu hahahha ini dia foto fotonya
02 Mei, 2010
pantai ancol

pokoknya pas hari kamis gue ikut ibu gue sama temen ibu gue ke pantai ancol hahahha ibu gue mau arisan mendingan gue ikut daripada di rumah bengong yaudah deh gue ikut sama sono gue kayak tukang fotografer di suruh foto mulu kagak papa lah ada hikmahnya(rahasia perusahaan)hahah pokoknya gitu.pas lagi arisan gue foto foto laut aja kagak ada kerjaan.masa gue ikutan arisan juga-_-.ini foto fotonya
taman menteng dan 711 menteng
oke jadi gini semua rencana kita bikin dadakan kata nadhira supaya bisa semua,yasudahlah yg ngerencanain cuma gue,avini,nadhira dan elma.tapi pas hari jum'at info mau ke tamen(taman menteng) dan 711 pada tau yaudah pas pulang sekolah gue,vindy,betari,elma,avini,dan nadhira ke rumah vindy.sampe sana kita berleha-leha dahulu dan abis itu kita telp ritha dan nandira.pas telp mereka sudah di dekat rumah nandir.dan kita bilang ke mereka bahwa kita ingin ke 711 dan tamen.yasudah kita sudah siap tapi betari dan vindy tidak ikut.vindy=tidak boleh,betari=sakit.akhirnya kita ke 711 dengan mobil nadhira.pas sampe 711 kita beli slurpee dan makan (karena dari siang belom makan).karena 711 penuh dan banyak anak SMA yaudah kita putuskan makan di tamen.setelah makan kita muter muter dan foto(tentunya) hahah tapi di sela sela kesenangan ada aja alay hmm sebel nya gitu tuh kalo ada alay mengganggu kesenengan orang.yaaaa forget it ini fotonya
gue punyanya cuma ini hahahha.setelah berfoto-foto kita pulang.elma naik bajaj karena ke kantor nyokapnya.gue,nadhira,avini,nandira,ritha naik taksi tp gue,nadhira,avini,nandira turun deket LIA pramuka dan ritha terus sampe rawamangun.pokoknya gitu deh ahahah seru juga

01 Mei, 2010
just kidding but i want it real :)
my big brother :
- kim sang bum
- skandar keynes
- prince michael jackson
- regan young
my little brother:
- max records
- muhammad raynald(ray)
maybe dreams will come true :)
telephone-lady gaga ft.beyonce
[Lady Gaga]
Hello, baby; you called
I can't hear a thing
I have got no service in the club you see, see
Wa-wa-what did you say?
Huh?; You're breaking up on me
Sorry; I cannot hear you
I'm kinda busy
K-kinda busy
K-kinda busy
Sorry; I cannot hear you
I'm kinda busy
Just a second; it's my favorite song they're gonna play and I cannot text you with a drink in my hand, eh?
You shoulda made some plans with me; you knew that I was free
And now you won't stop calling me
I'm kinda busy
Stop callin', stop callin'; I don't wanna think anymore!; I left my head and my heart on the dance-floor
Stop callin'', stop callin; I don't wanna talk anymore!; I left my head and my heart on the dance-floor
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Stop telephonin' me!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
I'm busy!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Stop telephonin' me!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Can call all you want but there's no one home and you're not gonna reach my telephone!
'Cause I'm out in the club and I'm sippin' that bub' and you're not gonna reach my telephone
Call when you want but there's no one home
and you're not gonna reach my telephone
Out in the club and I'm sippin' that bub' and you're not gonna reach my telephone
The way you blowin' up my phone won't make me leave no faster, put my coat on faster, leave my girls no faster.
I shoulda left my phone at home 'cause this is a disaster!
Callin' like a collector
Sorry: I cannot answer!
Not that I don't like you: I'm just at a party
And I am sick and tired of my phone ri-ringing
Sometimes I feel like I live in Grand Central Station
Tonight I'm not takin no calls 'cause I'll be dancin'
'Cause I'll be dancin'
'Cause I'll be dancin'
Tonight I'm not takin' no calls 'cause I'll be dancin!
Stop callin', stop callin'; I don't wanna think anymore!; I got my head and my heart on the dance-floor
Stop callin', stop callin'; I don't wanna talk anymore!; I got my head and my heart on the dance-floor
Stop callin', stop callin'; I don't wanna think anymore!; I got my head and my heart on the dance-floor
Stop callin', stop callin'; I don't wanna talk anymore; I got my head and my heart on the dance-floor
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Stop telephonin' me!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
I'm busy!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Stop telephonin' me!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Can call all you want, but there's no one home
And you're not gonna reach my telephone
'Cause I'm out in the club and I'm sippin' that bub'
And you're not gonna reach my telephone
Call when you want, but there's no one home
And you're not gonna reach my telephone!
'Cause I'm out in the club, and I'm sippin' that bub'
And you're not gonna reach my telephone, my telephone, mi-mi-mi, my telephone
'Cause I'm out in the club and I'm sippin' that bub'
And you're not gonna reach my telephone
My telephone
Mi-mi-mi, my telephone
'Cause I'm out in the club and I'm sippin that bub' and you're not gonna reach my telephone
We're sorry; the number you have reached is not in service at this time
Please check the number, or try your call again
Hello, baby; you called
I can't hear a thing
I have got no service in the club you see, see
Wa-wa-what did you say?
Huh?; You're breaking up on me
Sorry; I cannot hear you
I'm kinda busy
K-kinda busy
K-kinda busy
Sorry; I cannot hear you
I'm kinda busy
Just a second; it's my favorite song they're gonna play and I cannot text you with a drink in my hand, eh?
You shoulda made some plans with me; you knew that I was free
And now you won't stop calling me
I'm kinda busy
Stop callin', stop callin'; I don't wanna think anymore!; I left my head and my heart on the dance-floor
Stop callin'', stop callin; I don't wanna talk anymore!; I left my head and my heart on the dance-floor
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Stop telephonin' me!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
I'm busy!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Stop telephonin' me!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Can call all you want but there's no one home and you're not gonna reach my telephone!
'Cause I'm out in the club and I'm sippin' that bub' and you're not gonna reach my telephone
Call when you want but there's no one home
and you're not gonna reach my telephone
Out in the club and I'm sippin' that bub' and you're not gonna reach my telephone
The way you blowin' up my phone won't make me leave no faster, put my coat on faster, leave my girls no faster.
I shoulda left my phone at home 'cause this is a disaster!
Callin' like a collector
Sorry: I cannot answer!
Not that I don't like you: I'm just at a party
And I am sick and tired of my phone ri-ringing
Sometimes I feel like I live in Grand Central Station
Tonight I'm not takin no calls 'cause I'll be dancin'
'Cause I'll be dancin'
'Cause I'll be dancin'
Tonight I'm not takin' no calls 'cause I'll be dancin!
Stop callin', stop callin'; I don't wanna think anymore!; I got my head and my heart on the dance-floor
Stop callin', stop callin'; I don't wanna talk anymore!; I got my head and my heart on the dance-floor
Stop callin', stop callin'; I don't wanna think anymore!; I got my head and my heart on the dance-floor
Stop callin', stop callin'; I don't wanna talk anymore; I got my head and my heart on the dance-floor
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Stop telephonin' me!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
I'm busy!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Stop telephonin' me!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh
Can call all you want, but there's no one home
And you're not gonna reach my telephone
'Cause I'm out in the club and I'm sippin' that bub'
And you're not gonna reach my telephone
Call when you want, but there's no one home
And you're not gonna reach my telephone!
'Cause I'm out in the club, and I'm sippin' that bub'
And you're not gonna reach my telephone, my telephone, mi-mi-mi, my telephone
'Cause I'm out in the club and I'm sippin' that bub'
And you're not gonna reach my telephone
My telephone
Mi-mi-mi, my telephone
'Cause I'm out in the club and I'm sippin that bub' and you're not gonna reach my telephone
We're sorry; the number you have reached is not in service at this time
Please check the number, or try your call again
*gue suka lagu ini karena gamaliel dan audrey :)
efek rumah kaca-desember
Selalu ada yang bernyanyi dan berelegi
Dibalik awan hitam
Smoga ada yang menerangi sisi gelap ini,
Seperti pelangi setia menunggu hujan reda
Aku selalu suka sehabis hujan dibulan desember,
Di bulan desember
Sampai nanti ketika hujan tak lagi
Meneteskan duka meretas luka
Sampai hujan memulihkan luka
Dibalik awan hitam
Smoga ada yang menerangi sisi gelap ini,
Seperti pelangi setia menunggu hujan reda
Aku selalu suka sehabis hujan dibulan desember,
Di bulan desember
Sampai nanti ketika hujan tak lagi
Meneteskan duka meretas luka
Sampai hujan memulihkan luka
*gak tau lagu ini sangat cocok sama gue hahah
flightless bird american mouth lyrics
I was a quick wet boy, diving too deep for coins
All of your street light eyes wide on my plastic toys
Then when the cops closed the fair, I cut my long baby hair
Stole me a dog-eared map and called for you everywhere
Have I found you
Flightless bird, jealous, weeping or lost you, american mouth
Big pill looming
Now I'm a fat house cat
Nursing my sore blunt tongue
Watching the warm poison rats curl through the wide fence cracks
Pissing on magazine photos
Those fishing lures thrown in the cold
And clean blood of Christ mountain stream
Have I found you
Flightless bird, grounded, bleeding or lost you, american mouth
Big pill stuck going down
All of your street light eyes wide on my plastic toys
Then when the cops closed the fair, I cut my long baby hair
Stole me a dog-eared map and called for you everywhere
Have I found you
Flightless bird, jealous, weeping or lost you, american mouth
Big pill looming
Now I'm a fat house cat
Nursing my sore blunt tongue
Watching the warm poison rats curl through the wide fence cracks
Pissing on magazine photos
Those fishing lures thrown in the cold
And clean blood of Christ mountain stream
Have I found you
Flightless bird, grounded, bleeding or lost you, american mouth
Big pill stuck going down
*pas pertama kali gue denger lagu ini lagi di cover sama the trees and the wild gak tau kenapa mau nangis?tapi gak bisa
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