03 Desember, 2011


i miss that time,when i was a kid. I didn't have a problem life and my life was complete. I miss you so badly my dad!

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27 November, 2011


Hah?tunangan?siapa yg tunangan?-.- oke hari sabtu tgl 26 gue ke bogor yg akhirnya gue ga lat.basket sama mentor karena tante gue tunangan.cukup senang karena Finally...fiuh.she got the right one.

posted from Bloggeroid

18 November, 2011

Tugas sejarah

What a tiring day. Mall kelapa gading - mall itc ambassador.and our friend, desti. Her purse was stolen in halte:(

posted from Bloggeroid

15 November, 2011

Tugas sejarah

Tugas sejarah gue temanya perkembangan mall terhadap linkungan sekita.dan kita meneliti 2 mall, yaitu mall kelapa gading sama mall itc ambassador.jadi kelompok gue jalan2,tp tetep wawancara orang2-_- agak malu tp yaudahlah ya.nanti fotonya akan di upload!

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12 November, 2011


I need a long long holiday!

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posted from Bloggeroid

03 November, 2011

need some refreshing

i need some refreshing like :
-go to movies
-chat or share some story with my girls
-go shopping
-some gigs
-walk in the park
-car free day

16 Oktober, 2011



24 September, 2011

About my posting

lately i sometimes post about my life because in senior high school, there is soooooooooooo many TASK and EXAMS.so i can't post my activities every week like i used to. i'm sorry my friends!!!!!!
I love you :)

Flashdisk ilang

bentuk flashdisk gue

isi flashdisk gue itu adalah foto2 dr hp gue yg lama terus juga ada video2 dr hp gue yg pertama dan data2 yg lain.Nyeseknya pol bgt.Jadi waktu itu gue inget bgt lagi mau temu alumni di d'cost kalibata city abis itu gue ke kamar mandi ganti baju, nah semua isi kantong gue itu gue masukin ke tas body shop gue, abis itu tas nya itu selalu gue bawa2. Nah abis itu gue pulang naik taksi express, pas sampe rumah gue lg mau ambil baju gue, di dalam tas itu ga ada flashdisk gue!!! langsung panik to the max!
Dan siapapun yg nemuin flashdisk gue yg kyk gambar di atas di sekitar mall kalibata city ataupun di taksi express nanti gue kasih uang 100rb tp dengan syarat masih ada data2 nya yg lengkap!!!
Sumpah itu flashdisk sangat berarti buat gue!!!!!! :"((((((((((

23 Agustus, 2011

About my posting

For now i always post the pictures not the story :)

Pilar,Morfosis,dan bukber

Dari kepala sekolah,wali kelas,kk kelas sampe anak kelas sebelah kita ajak foto-_-

What a great day with my class!!!


my friend was crazy when my teacher didn't come,so we took some pictures :) Here we go :

I heart my class :D

07 Agustus, 2011

too much memories in that phone

my phone was missing when i went back home.Goodbye my 6760 slide:( i won't forget it because there are so much memories in that phone.
phone is not everything but everything connected by phone

02 Agustus, 2011

Dzaki Faturahman

Siapakah Dzaki Faturahman???
He's my fake little brother-__- (adek2an) because i wanna have a little brother so badly:( but it will never happens.So i want him to be my fake little brother HAHAH (however he doesn't want me to be his fake sister-.-) and now for the pictures

*don't tell me that i'm as tall as him-_- i know i'm short
He is on 8th grade :D

23 Juli, 2011

Indonesia Youth Conference

16 Juli 2011 di Upper Room,Wisma Nusantara. Indonesia Youth Conference!!!

The Trees and The Wild
The Trees and The Wild
The Trees and The Wild
The Trees and The Wild
The Trees and The Wild
Iga "The trees and the wild"
The trees and the wild
The trees and the wild
The trees and the wild
The trees and the wild
Alanda Kariza

Jay Subiakto & Desi Anwar
Surprise Session
Andra "The trees and the wild"
Sudut Pembaharuan
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